Anyone 19 years old or older as of Monday, March 24, 2025. (One entry only for senior participants)
Anyone 5 to 18 years old as of Monday, March 24, 2025. (One entry only for Junior participants)
Requires three or more immediate family members who are 5 years old or older and at least one senior entry.
Each entrant must all have same Family code
4-H group entries must be comprised of at least five members. Each entrant must be between the ages of 5 and 20 (as of January 1, 2025) to be a member of a 4-H group.
FFA entrants must be in grades 5 through 12 (as of January 1, 2025) to enter as a member of an FFA chapter.
COLLEGE & TECHNICAL SCHOOL teams must consist of 10 people. An individual can be a member of only one college or technical school team, however a school may have multiple teams.
AG BUSINESS/CO-OP TEAM DIVISION Teams must consist of 10 people. Businesses with more than 10 people may enter additional teams.
High School Ag-Ed Instructors
NEW! AGRI-MARKETING INDIVIDUALS (for advertisers only) One entry per person. An individual can be a member of multiple teams.
Senior and Junior Divisions
105 Places receive a cash prize in both Senior and Junior divisions
$100, $75, $60, $50, $45, $40, $35, $30, $25, $20
4 Places receive a cash prize in the Family division
$100, $75, $50, $25
4-H, FFA/Ag Ed, College, Agribusiness/Co-op, & Ag Ed Instructors
4 Places receive a cash prize in each 4-H, FFA/Ag Ed, College, Agribusiness/Co-op, and High School Ag-Ed Instructor division
$100, $75, $50, $25
One entry per person
Individuals may join multiple teams and submit one entry.
Cow judging contest group leaders who are parents, coaches, teachers or instructors of 4-H, FFA or College teams, should exclude their individual scores from the calculation of the group's combined score by checking the box after entering Group name. Family and agribusiness group leaders can include their individual score in the combined group score calculation.
All entries must be submitted by midnight Central time on Monday, March 24, 2025
No changes can be made to an entry once it has been submitted
All individuals entering in 4-H, FFA/Ag Ed, College, Family, Agribusiness, or Ag-Ed Instructors are automatically entered in the appropriate Senior or Junior division and are eligible to win prizes in those divisions.
Contest is open to everyone except Hoard’s Dairyman employees and their families